Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In For The Penny

Anyone who is in America and not living under a rock knows about the national debt.   With each passing day the need to release the debt ceiling rises.   stuck in the middle of blue  The United States is headed for an economic slump and this author knows it. By filling in the reader with background information about the current debt situation the author will give insight and a better understanding. 

$14.3 trillion dollars seems like a fictional number. Like a millionbazillion something a child would make up. If only that were the case, the national debt currently sits as $14.3 trillion dollars and continues to increase. In the course of the past few months the United States has already almost reached it’s cap.  I agree with the author that this is not acceptable. This is the Government for crying out loud! It is suppose to be an example of how Americans should model their finances. 

I too as a college student am always thinking about money. For those students who do not get financial aid we are encourage and some times have no option to take student loans.  As soon as I graduate I will be paying back my debt.  It seems like a simple concept right?? So why can’t the Government come up with a solution?  The author makes a good point that you must step back and realize that you cannot continue on the same path, you need to fix things before they get out of control. 

This is a good solid editorial.  I express many of the same views as the author which made this a great read for me! The Government needs to come up with some sort of solution to the debt issues before we are in a serious world of hurt!