Thursday, February 24, 2011

A So Called Road Map

Everyone knows the national budget has to be cut. It’s just a matter of figuring out a good way to do it.   Republicans insist in cutting $60 billion dollars from the budget for the fiscal year that ends September 30, 2011.  With a cut like this Republicans are willing to make changes that will affect every day life. In a trade off for the cut we citizens will have dirty air and water due to the reduced regulations. Less immigration enforcement due to the fact there will not be enough staff to actually enforce the laws and the list goes on and on. Or at least that is what the author of this article thinks.

I must say that the title is what drew me in.  Any time anyone writes about financial crisis I feel compelled to read the article.  Like most Americans I want to know where the money from the Government is going… and now that money is tight I want to see where they are going to take it from.  Anyone interested in how the Government plans to cut the budget, and where money is going to come from would be interested in this article.

The author states the proposed bill will cut the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget by a third. That is nearly $3 million dollars. When you break that down into easier terms that is about $21.00 per person that pays taxes. This is just an example of the proposed items in this so called “road map” to get the government out of financial crisis.

I must say I for one would not stand for dirty air and water nor less immigration enforcement. If Republicans want to cut the budget by $60 billion dollars they need to find some other ways to trim the fat! Dirty water is not a good start!

However… I must say that in the conclusion of this article I was a bit disappointed when the author suggested that we limit Medicare and Social Security… I really don’t feel so strongly about Medicaid but when you work all your life and pay into the system and it’s time to retire something should be there for you. I know many people who already can’t afford to live off the money they get from Social Security… Cutting the budget for such a program would be a big mistake!

The author makes some valid points throughout this article. The authors name is not listed in the article so I cannot provide much information about him or her but I can say I understand the budget needs to be cut and taking money from the EPA is not a great way to do it but, neither is cutting finding for Medicare and Social Security.

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