Thursday, April 14, 2011


 Islamaphobia seems like a really silly word when you think about it.  Our world is full of constant reminders what we are in a war in the Middle East.  There is not a day that goes by when something does not remind you of our predicament. 

I must say that the author of this editorial did an excellent job. To back up the explanation of their title they went into detail about when it meant to them. The examples given are real life situations that we as Americans face every day.  The unnecessarily forceful pat downs at the air port, even the constant state of alertness everyone is in.  With all the bad things associated with this there is no wonder people think of the Middle East in a negative way.  We as a country have negative feelings towards the Middle East because of the actions of a few people. I think the author of this editorial makes an excellent point when saying “These feelings however are often not directed at the appropriate sources and the burden of our blame falls on innocent victims:  the Islamic community.”

There is much evidence from all different time periods to support the statement about innocent victims. We have seen much of the same examples during WW II.  The author did a great job providing proof to back up the claims being made.  The closing of the article has strong meaning “It is time for the American public to have faith in the American public, because ultimately, Muslim Americans are Americans too, who fight for, defend, and love our country.” 

Overall I think this was an excellent article very well written and supported. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is the articles where information was taken from. This is all good support and evidence of the claims but where did you find this information.

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