Wednesday, May 11, 2011

In For The Penny

Anyone who is in America and not living under a rock knows about the national debt.   With each passing day the need to release the debt ceiling rises.   stuck in the middle of blue  The United States is headed for an economic slump and this author knows it. By filling in the reader with background information about the current debt situation the author will give insight and a better understanding. 

$14.3 trillion dollars seems like a fictional number. Like a millionbazillion something a child would make up. If only that were the case, the national debt currently sits as $14.3 trillion dollars and continues to increase. In the course of the past few months the United States has already almost reached it’s cap.  I agree with the author that this is not acceptable. This is the Government for crying out loud! It is suppose to be an example of how Americans should model their finances. 

I too as a college student am always thinking about money. For those students who do not get financial aid we are encourage and some times have no option to take student loans.  As soon as I graduate I will be paying back my debt.  It seems like a simple concept right?? So why can’t the Government come up with a solution?  The author makes a good point that you must step back and realize that you cannot continue on the same path, you need to fix things before they get out of control. 

This is a good solid editorial.  I express many of the same views as the author which made this a great read for me! The Government needs to come up with some sort of solution to the debt issues before we are in a serious world of hurt!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Government Shut Down

Thought the course of this class I have learned a thing or two that I did not know about our government. This blog has allowed me to chronicle the things I have learned with different articles and editorials and comments from other classmates. After writing about others peoples points of view I am going to give you mine.

For the past almost 10 years our economy has gone down hill. Gas prices and the cost of living have gone up while the job market and pay have gone down. It has been a struggle finding a balance for the two. President Obama promised change when he was running for office and we got change all right… I just don’t think it was in a good way. The Government was having such a struggle balancing out the budget this year they almost had to shut down! When the Government shuts down all non essential things cease.  Things like the fire department and police will still be up and running but all other federal jobs stop functioning like national parks IRS. This threatened the jobs of about 800,000 people. They would be forced to take unpaid leave until things were back in working order. The military would still be working and earning wages but when they received checks would be a different story. The Republicans were holding up the bill that would allow the federal government to be funded and things to run as normal. Luckily at the last minuet things were passed and we avoided a shut down.

With all the things up on the list for the budget some things we could have done without and money could have been shifted around to better fund other things.  It seems the talk of the town these days always has to do with money.  The government controls lots of other things in our lives but people only seem to care about money and the gas prices. I can’t say I blame them. You pay an arm and a leg for gas already and the price just keeps climbing!  Maybe the government should make a shift and learn to be less dependant on oil from other countries so people can actually afford to drive to work.   This shift in priorities has everyone thinking backwards.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


 Islamaphobia seems like a really silly word when you think about it.  Our world is full of constant reminders what we are in a war in the Middle East.  There is not a day that goes by when something does not remind you of our predicament. 

I must say that the author of this editorial did an excellent job. To back up the explanation of their title they went into detail about when it meant to them. The examples given are real life situations that we as Americans face every day.  The unnecessarily forceful pat downs at the air port, even the constant state of alertness everyone is in.  With all the bad things associated with this there is no wonder people think of the Middle East in a negative way.  We as a country have negative feelings towards the Middle East because of the actions of a few people. I think the author of this editorial makes an excellent point when saying “These feelings however are often not directed at the appropriate sources and the burden of our blame falls on innocent victims:  the Islamic community.”

There is much evidence from all different time periods to support the statement about innocent victims. We have seen much of the same examples during WW II.  The author did a great job providing proof to back up the claims being made.  The closing of the article has strong meaning “It is time for the American public to have faith in the American public, because ultimately, Muslim Americans are Americans too, who fight for, defend, and love our country.” 

Overall I think this was an excellent article very well written and supported. The only thing I would have liked to have seen is the articles where information was taken from. This is all good support and evidence of the claims but where did you find this information.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Important Economic Issues

Americans  Most Important Economic Problem

 A Washington post article  Economic Issues and Gas Prices are Stupid a  recent survey of Americans suggest that the budget deficit and gas prices are among the leading concerns of American citizens and have been for more then 12 moths now. How great of anyone to finally notice… Seventy two percent of adults polled stated that some sort of economic issue was the most important problem facing our country today.

While the unemployment rates are down by 26 percent, the national debt is up by 13 percent. Just because more jobs are created does not mean the money in our economy will change. Gas prices seem to jump everyday! Pretty soon they might as well just write arm and leg on the price sign because that’s what it seems like we will be paying! I travel all over my side of town to get the best deal! One store has it ten cents cheaper then everyone else and you have to wait in line to get in.  The average current price for gas is $3.53 a gallon that is up by $.41 cents from last month and $.76 from this time last year.

With all the talk about the daily rising gas prices Republicans are trying to promote a new house GOP plan called American Energy Initiative. The plan would put an end to Government policies that keep gas prices on the rise. Expand America’s energy production to create more jobs and lower production cost. This they hope in turn will create more jobs in each state. I am all for creating new jobs and expanding our economy but will energy production do it? I can see putting a stop to the Government keeping gas process on a constant rise. Pretty soon I will have to get a second job to pay for gas to go to my first job!

 Democrats on the other hand are trying to convince the Department of Energy to tap into the petroleum reserve to elevate the pain at the pump.  This would be my first choice.  It makes the most sense to the person paying for gas.  If we have a reserve and we can use it why not?  We are so dependant on importing our oil that we have not choice but to pay the price that is asked because we don’t have enough of our own.

The decision seems like something we citizens should be able to make but.. that will not be the case.. Next time you see me I will be missing some limbs if gas prices continue to rise.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Obama and The Health Care Laws

Healthcare has been on the forefront of issues since Obama was elected president. There have been many debates and angered feelings.  Obama came up with the Healthcare plan in hope of helping out his “fellow” Americans.  Was it a hit or miss? Health Care Ruleing

According to the author a judge in Florida declared the Healthcare law to be unconstitutional. As it requires people to purchase health insurance or face a penalty.  Healthcare reform is one of Obama’s biggest goals while in office and he will stop at nothing to see it through. His administration is appealing the judges ruling.  The author says Obama will continue to implement the plan because not doing so will cause irreparable harm.    The first paragraph of this article makes and appeal to every American citizen who currently has healthcare or needs to obtain health care by Obama’s 2014 deadline. 

I must say that I am all for everyone having health care but to penalize someone who does not is just crazy.  I can see how a judge would call this plan unconstitutional.  What is someone to do who cannot afford health insurance?  The plan is that all Americans have health insurance by 2014 or they will pay a fine.  The author of this article makes a valid point.  This is a subject that is touchy for everyone. Although the supporting evidence is a little lacking. He has given information from a few sources but it’s just not all there.  A comment from one person is not actually factual information and if you are attempting to have people change their views or agree with what you say then you need some sort of proof.

The overhauling of Obama’s plan developed last year hopes to expand healthcare for all but also curb spending.  The National Debt is already outrageous now throw in the cost of healthcare for all and what do you get??

The title of this article caught my attention.  Healthcare being a topic that effects everyone I thought it was a good thing someone agrees with me and thinks it is unconstitutional to make you pay a fine if you have no health insurance.  When I was a child I had a friend whose parents did not have health insurance for her.  If she was sick or got hurt they paid for things out of pocket which was much cheaper then paying a monthly premium for her. With Obama’s plan this family would be fined because they choose not to purchase health insurance.  I also understand there are those who abuse the system and expect the Government to pay for everything and that also has to be taken into consideration.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

A So Called Road Map

Everyone knows the national budget has to be cut. It’s just a matter of figuring out a good way to do it.   Republicans insist in cutting $60 billion dollars from the budget for the fiscal year that ends September 30, 2011.  With a cut like this Republicans are willing to make changes that will affect every day life. In a trade off for the cut we citizens will have dirty air and water due to the reduced regulations. Less immigration enforcement due to the fact there will not be enough staff to actually enforce the laws and the list goes on and on. Or at least that is what the author of this article thinks.

I must say that the title is what drew me in.  Any time anyone writes about financial crisis I feel compelled to read the article.  Like most Americans I want to know where the money from the Government is going… and now that money is tight I want to see where they are going to take it from.  Anyone interested in how the Government plans to cut the budget, and where money is going to come from would be interested in this article.

The author states the proposed bill will cut the Environmental Protection Agency’s budget by a third. That is nearly $3 million dollars. When you break that down into easier terms that is about $21.00 per person that pays taxes. This is just an example of the proposed items in this so called “road map” to get the government out of financial crisis.

I must say I for one would not stand for dirty air and water nor less immigration enforcement. If Republicans want to cut the budget by $60 billion dollars they need to find some other ways to trim the fat! Dirty water is not a good start!

However… I must say that in the conclusion of this article I was a bit disappointed when the author suggested that we limit Medicare and Social Security… I really don’t feel so strongly about Medicaid but when you work all your life and pay into the system and it’s time to retire something should be there for you. I know many people who already can’t afford to live off the money they get from Social Security… Cutting the budget for such a program would be a big mistake!

The author makes some valid points throughout this article. The authors name is not listed in the article so I cannot provide much information about him or her but I can say I understand the budget needs to be cut and taking money from the EPA is not a great way to do it but, neither is cutting finding for Medicare and Social Security.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Obama and The Housing Crisis!!!

The economy is down and the housing market is in a slump Obama Housing plans are hoping to change that.    The government a few years back took over The Fannie Mae Foundation as well as Freddie Mac.  With houses in foreclosure something needed to be done.  Washington has run the show for over 2 years now and Obama and his administration will decide this week what steps need to be taken to phase out.   Washington was responsible for 9 out of 10 home loan in 2010. This means banks have been sitting on all that bailout money because they are unsure if they should loan it out.  

I think this article is worth the read. If Obama and the administration decide to pull out home loan prices will be on the rise. If your on the look out for a new home keep an eye out for his decision!